Thursday 20 June 2013

fulltime work and fulltime ranching.......and throw a wedding in there just for kicks!

It aint easy working fulltime and ranching fulltime. For the last month I have hit the ground running at about 415am and don't stop until I lay down again about 1030pm. We have had sick calves, so I have been trying to figure out how to cure them and manage them, plus fixing fencing, building new pens, transferring animals around and now getting ready to renew our wedding vows in a couple of weeks so there has been alot of house repairs going on as well. Each time hubby comes home, I have something else repaired and painted. I may not know alot about this ranching thing, but I do have the home decorating down pat! Even figured out how to repair woodpecker damage to the wooden siding of the house and repaired and painted it!!!! Hubby was shocked when he came home! He thought he was in the wrong yard! hahahaa!

To top everything off, as if I didn't have enough hours taken up in the day already, well heck why don't we throw a wedding into the mix!!! Hubby and I are renewing our vows here at the ranch. Thing is, he isn't home for most of the month and so I am left planning everything. I thought I had alot of my bases covered......naaaaaaaa.....of course not! and now I am in a scramble to get things completed! The Lord is in this though as He is in everything else. Everything I need He has brought me right to the bargain to purchase it whether the bargain is the bridesmais dress for 29$ at Walmart in my colours, or various people on Kijiji who's weddings were cancelled or are giving things away from their wedding to the small repair guy in town who just happened to have 4 of the things I was looking for as decorations. God is ALLL over this wedding just as He is in every aspect of our lives and in our relationship.

All three trucks were broken, the tractor broke, all the ATV's are broke down and my bicycle had a flat! I couldn't even catch a break and catch a horse to ride into town! Sometimes when things get tough and things ok EVERY THING goes sideways, those are the times God is the closest and feels the furthest away. Luckily hubby and I realize this, although we do have our own panic attacks about it but we talk eachother off the ledge and continue to love each other unconditionally. We know God is ultimately in control of everything. We can plant the seed and water the seed but ONLY HE can make it grow.


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